mercredi, janvier 30, 2008

A little music...

After the long hiatus from blogging, I figured that I should do something to revitalise things up a bit XD

During the recent trips on the plane to and fro the USA, I became re-acquainted with a certain piece of simple yet inspiring piece of light music. It is a piece that most might know by tune but not by its name...

I was first hooked to the flowing, soothing melody of Kevin Kern's "Sundial Dreams" when it was played during various school occasions such as graduation and prize presentation ceremonies during my course of study in RV. Of course, by then I could only enjoy the tune during such rare events. Personally, this song has paired itself with events of great importance. Despite its slow tempo and soft, smooth melody, to me listening to this song motivates myself instead. I guess I have been classically conditioned to associate this song with times of glory and pride o_O

Whatever the case, as soon as I heard this song playing through the in-flight radio channels during my flight from Korea to the States, I was pleasantly surprised. And so, not only have I recognised this beautiful song by name, it has also opened up to me a new doorway, a new path towards appreciating the world of contemporary light music.

To those who have yet to identify the wonderful piece of music playing in the background, it is called "Sundial Dreams" by pianist and composer Kevin Kern.

So here, enjoy the new background music (while it lasts =X)...

mercredi, janvier 02, 2008

Jetlagged, tired, and basically burned out...

>_< I'm tired after travelling for 19 hours on a plane from LAX to KLIA...

More to come of my US trip...hopefully.