mercredi, février 27, 2008

Reading scientific journals makes my head spin @_@

As usual, I've been putting myself into huge piles of merde lately. Considering my, er, usual habits, it's not surprising.

In order to clear myself out of the biggest pile of merde that I'm in now, I am hereby slaving myself out in front of the web browser, staring at scientific journals, of which I am 99% unable to make head or toe out of. I'm already in a pile of deep merde and now I'm drowning in it. And no, I can't picture myself reaching my goal of completing this task...I'm sorry Mr. Haw, I don't see ay Cheese out there...

>_< I can't imagine the day I have to write one of these jargon-laced, mostly incomprehensible papers for my final thesis...

End. Back to work.

Peon of Warcraft III fame: "Work, work..."

samedi, février 23, 2008


- does my computer mouse's left button double click when it's supposed to click, and does not respond whenever I want it to?
- does my school wireless connection ban MapleStory? Or even Hotmail, for that matter... (O_O)
- is TmNut Green Snailyx so sloooowwww
- do I not dare to drive on my own despite wanting to get out there so badly?
- am I such a failure in socialising?
- am I so demotivated to do anything despite studying Human Motivation this term?
- am I crapping so much here when I have tons of projects to do...
- am I...

Oh well i realised this was total merde.

*scurries away searching for "New Cheese"*