vendredi, août 24, 2007

Rotten, rotten, rotten...

..explains the state of this blog. I mean, it's already Sem 3 and I haven't written a single piece since Sem 2...? That's 3 months O____O

*tries to pull self away from online gaming*

Anyway. New interests, new school term updates, yadda yadda yadda.

First...I'm going on a language frenzy now. Taking up novice level French and Italian at the same time!!! LOL, seeing as these both belong to the same language family, I'm worried I might confuse them both...

Took up French during the semester break. I was slacking around the house so Mom forced me to pick up a language. Looking back, I DO NOT REGRET her decision at all. A first for me. French teacher's absolutely charming. And crazy. I don't know how exactly to say this, but the class definitely loves her.

French is really a fresh experience for me, for everything, from the pronunciation system to their culture, seems really fascinating for me. I've learnt a lot, but well, it's newbie level French after all, and thus explains my inability to type this out in French. Desolee... (and sorry once more for my inability to type out accented characters. I don't know how to do so.)

So I went on a language frenzy when I knew my school offered Italian as one of the subjects this new term...and thus I find myself taking up 2 European languages at the same time. >___< Teacher's a Malaysian Chinese, whom I believe knows many many more languages than the average Malaysian. She really did study in an Italian university, and speaks the language with passion, just as the Italians do.(And thus insists that we speak the language con passionato!)

And well...2 Romance languages. I would have to take care not to speak/write French in Italian class, or vice-versa. LOL...they are really quite similar in least for now, that's my opinion.

Now, to school stuff. Sigh. Why am I always blogging about school stuff... (Is it because I have no life...?)

Exam grades have well, Cut the crap. C- and B+. And I thought I would have failed my EN102. Good least I don't have to retake it. I could have done better in Dev. Psych. though...too late.

New subjects this term, other than Italian, would be MALAYSIAN STUDIES (well, the teacher's funny though), STATISTICS (once again, I really suck at all things Maths), Human Personality and Anthropology (subject interesting, teacher boring =.=).

Oh, I will survive....

I hope. Life at home sucks more. I'll not say much. Trichotillomania has taken over again. Getting worse. Dad going really mad. Suicidal thoughts. Oh...

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